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The case for national service

David Ignatius Washington Post November 27 2014 At Thanksgiving, Americans think about the spirit of community that animates the country at its best. But in a year characterized by so much political and racial discord, you have to wonder whether…..

Keeping your inner peace- Meditate

Sally Quinn Washington Post February 4th 2025 I woke up the morning of Nov. 6 with a sinking feeling. Turning on both my phone and TV, I learned to my shock that Donald Trump had been elected. I was in denial for…..

In Schools, Finding Hope at a Hopeless Time

By Nora Fleming March 26, 2021 Edutopia In mid-February, three snowstorms knocked out the electricity for thousands of residents in Boyd County, Kentucky. As they waited for up to two weeks for the lights to come on, many residents were left snowbound…..

Hope as the antidote

[This article is part of the 2024 Trends Report] It’s easy to feel discouraged about the persistent onslaught of difficulties in the world today, whether these be personal circumstances or social issues. Psychologists, some of whom have a close-up view…..

Gallup Poll in 2013-12 years ago

KEY FINDINGS FROM THE GALLUP STUDENT POLL GALLUP Student Poll National Cohort Fall 2012 USA Overall Data The Gallup Student Poll is a brief measure of hope, engagement, and wellbeing. The poll taps into the hearts and minds of American…..

The Kids Are Not OK, But Education Innovations Provide Hope

We have an increasingly divided country, polity, and society. While this strains our family dinners and creates anxiety on the left and right, one of the most notable results is the stark decline in the well-being and mental health of…..

Hopeful students are more successful in school, and educators can employ strategies to boost hopefulness in their students.

Making hope happen in the classroom  By Shane J. Lopez | Oct 1, 2013 | Feature Article  Education HealthCare Public Services  My son and I do lots of nexting on our morning walks to his elementary school. We talk about his next big project at school, his…..

The power of Hope

Making hope happen in the classroom  By Shane J. Lopez | Oct 1, 2013 | Feature Article   Education HealthCare Public Services  Having hope leads to a 12% bump in school outcomes.  For the longitudinal studies, researchers recruited first-semester college students to complete a standardized measure of…..

Maryland students make limited progress on ‘Nation’s Report Card’

Baltimore City students showed significant gains, though scores remain low Maryland public schools remain stubbornly middle-of-the-pack on a national test, even as achievement inches upward. The state’s fourth graders performed better than two years ago on reading and math, according…..

US children fall further behind in reading, make little improvement in math on national exam

WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and have made little improvement in math, according to the latest results of an exam known as the nation’s report card. The findings are yet…..