Gallup Poll in 2013-12 years ago

Hope to Thrive | Hope to Thrive


GALLUP Student Poll National Cohort Fall 2012 USA Overall Data The Gallup Student Poll is a brief measure of hope, engagement, and wellbeing. The poll taps into the hearts and minds of American students to determine what drives wellbeing and achievement. Distribution and discussion of the Gallup Student Poll data will help create a more hopeful story about American youth and education, and will engage parents, teachers, and community leaders in social entrepreneurship.

Gallup research has shown about half of students are hopeful; these students possess numerous ideas and abundant energy for the future. The other half of students are stuck or discouraged, lacking the ideas and energy they need to navigate problems and reach goals. About six in 10 students are engaged; they are highly involved with and enthusiastic about school. The other four in 10 are either going through the motions at school or actively undermining the teaching and learning process. About two-thirds of students are thriving; they think about their present and future lives in positive terms, and they tend to be in good health and have strong social support. About one third of students are struggling or suffering.

Hope — the ideas and energy we have for the future. Hope drives attendance, credits earned, and GPA of high school students. Hope predicts GPA and retention in college, and hope scores are more robust predictors of college success than are high school GPA and SAT and ACT scores.

Engagement — the involvement in and enthusiasm for school. Engagement distinguishes between high-performing and low-performing schools.

Wellbeing — how we think about and experience our lives. Wellbeing tells us how our students are doing today and predicts their success in the future. High school freshmen with high wellbeing earn more credits with a higher GPA than peers with low wellbeing. On average, a student with high wellbeing earns 10% more credits and has a 2.9 GPA (out of 4.0), whereas a student with low wellbeing completes fewer credits and earns a 2.4 GPA.

Hope | GrandMean: 4.40 (out of 5) n=458638 YOUR NATION**
Hopeful – 54%
Stuck – 32%
Discouraged – 14%

5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
4.41 4.43 4.43 4.40 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.40

72% of hopeful students are engaged.

Hope by Grade values not shown when n < 10 Engagement |

GrandMean: 4.07 (out of 5) n=459143


Engaged – 57%
Not Engaged – 27%
Actively Disengaged – 16%

5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
4.40 4.30 4.14 4.00 3.95 3.84 3.81 3.82

84% of students who strongly agree their school is committed to building strengths are engaged. Your school must have an n-size of at least 30 to receive Engagement Index data. Engagement by Grade values not shown when n < 10

Wellbeing | GrandMean:
8.56 (out of 10) n=479439* YOUR NATION**
Thriving – 67%
Struggling – 32%
Suffering – 1%

5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
8.49 8.65 8.64 8.61 8.58 8.50 8.47 8.53

65% of thriving students are engaged. Wellbeing by Grade values not shown when n < 10 – No data available * The wellbeing n size represents the total respondent population. Hope, engagement and wellbeing n sizes differ if students chose not to answer one or more hope or engagement items.
